All of our providers deliver exclusively at :

Lenox Hill Hospital

100 East 77th Street (between Park Ave and Lexington Ave)

New York NY 10075

(212) 434-2760

For any questions regarding Lenox Hill Hospital, please contact :

Lisa Schavrien RN BSN (OB Nurse Navigator Lenox Hill Hospital)

(212) 434-3933

Pre-registration for Lenox Hill Hospital for OB patients:
online registration system: online registration LINK

Please note that if you are already scheduled for a c-section or induction, you are already registered in their system.

Once a registration has been submitted, the patient will receive an email from the hospital letting them know the submission has been received. 

If you are interested to know what your out of pocket cost will be for the hospital, you can go to this link and put in your information: Patient Estimate .

Professional fees, such as physicians, consults, radiologist, anesthesiologist, and pathologist fees are not included in this estimate. For your estimate for 1060 OBGYN, please contact our office biller at (516) 216-4622

For any OB patients who would like a consult with Lenox Hill Hospital’s OB Anesthesia team

LHH OB Anesthesia Consult Request

Please click on the link below for more hospital information and resources:

General Information for preparation of labor, delivery and postpartum

All labor rooms at Lenox Hill Hospital are private. Private postpartum room are available upon request. You can submit your request when you arrive on Labor and Delivery on the day of labor admission. Prices are in addition to the standard room rate billed to your insurer for your stay.

  • Maternity Standard Private Room $630/day 6 Uris/4 Lachman

  • Maternity Executive Private Room $850/day 4th Floor/ Wollman

  • Maternity Executive Suite $1600/day 4th Floor/Wollman

  • Maternity Park Avenue Suite $2,000/day 4th Floor/Wollman